From:                                         Phil Rembleski <>

Sent:                                           Monday, December 21, 2020 5:59 AM

To:                                               1111RESCUEMEMBERS

Subject:                                     12-21-20 THOUGHTS


12-21-20 THOUGHTS

As I was researching the song “Beauty For Ashes” for a sermon, I ran across a thought that just thrilled my soul.  I identified with it so fully it brought tears to my eyes.  The joy that can only come from years of living (being a grandpa) was marvelously illustrated!  Now I know this joy very well, but to have it jump out of an old song that I have sung many times, was pretty awesome.  I am concerned that we no longer sing this song.  Most of you don’t know it.  The younger you are, the more likely that you won’t know it.  It speaks of an exchange, God being the benefactor.  We bring nothing, He gives everything!   Isaiah 61 is the foundation of the song.  

So BEAUTY FOR ASHES...  Stanza 2:
     God gives for sadness "garments of praise";
     Stars for our twilight, strength for our days;
     Hope for tomorrow, care for today,
     Light for our footsteps all of life's way.

"Stars for our twilight" is a somewhat puzzling expression; my guess is that Tullar [song author] is using twilight to represent the end of life, and thus is saying that the ends of our lives are blessed by beauties that God has reserved especially for those years, just as the stars only begin to become visible when the light is fading.   Grandchildren [I love it] come to mind as a blessing reserved for those of mature years; as  Proverbs 17:6 says, "Children's children are a crown to the aged."     [Dave’s Hymn Blog   Wednesday, April 8, 2009  Beauty for Ashes]
Prov 17:6a     Children’s children [are] the crown of old men; NASB, KJV
Grandchildren are one of God’s highest LOVE GIFTS!  They CONNECT us grandparents to GOD in a very special way!  LOVE GIVEN, LOVE SHARED, LOVE HOPED!
I think I shall stop here and go think about my six grandchildren.  They truly are a crown.  The precious key however, is that I know they are a gift from God!  That’s JOY DOUBLED!

My Prayer:
Thank you Oh God for being love.  We praise you for giving us love and teaching us to love. We beg that this country we live in will return to love.  Help us to image love in all that we do.  May your great love in Jesus be the motivation for our living.  

In the name of Jesus            Amen